Sarah Kate is Wearing a Fedora, So This Episode is Instantly That Much More Awesome - Click To Download!
actually don’t know where you can watch Iron Man online for free - at
least not without downloading a metric shit-ton of viruses. Proceed at
your own risk.
(Alternately, you could rent the movie through RedBox, Netflix, BlockBuster, or your friends/family. Your choice)
In this episode, we discuss:
(Alternately, you could rent the movie through RedBox, Netflix, BlockBuster, or your friends/family. Your choice)
In this episode, we discuss:
- Housekeeping!
- “Shut up, Patrick”
- The various nuns we know
- Tony's steampunk-esque goggles
- Jarvis/Tony as an OTP
- A:tlA references!
- Introducing Pat to internet-speak
- Laughing. Lots of laughing.
- Tony's robots
- "AWWWWHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Robert Downey Jr.'s face
- The tight no-spoilers policy in the Mayes household
- Superman sucks and Sarah Kate should let Emma read her Batwoman comics
- "Son of a Bellatrix Lestrange"
- Sarah Kate is a trend-setter
- Why Pepper Potts is awesome
- Whedon, that heartbreaker
- How to survive a horror movie interrupted by squealing
- Why Pepper should wear flats and ditch the heels forever
- Pat knows more physics than his sister, who is eight years older than him.
- The Avengers Initiative!
- “Bang-bang or twang-twang”
- The computer basically sucks but it's okay (at least for right now)
- Robert Downey Jr.
The cup that Emma brought Sarah looks like this:
Have some pictures of Robert Downey Jr. because he's sexy and beautiful. Plus some gifs. You're welcome.
We apologize for Emma's audio quality during the intro and outro. She didn't bother plugging in her microphone and look where that got her...
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Noticed the change in show notes formatting? Good. Emma is now writing them. She hopes you like!
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