Thursday, May 24, 2012

Next Episode

Due to unfortunate computer issues on Emma Lee's end, we have been unable to record our most recent episode. However, we're hoping that we can do so tonight, and I'll have it ready by Sunday.

This is, though, only tentative. Emma's computer may not be fixed on time, and, seeing as I'm going to be leaving on Monday, and still have packing to do, it may not be ready by then. If we manage to record, but the episode isn't ready on Sunday, then it will definitely be ready by Monday evening, because I will have at least three and a half hours in the car on Monday while heading off to college.

On the same note, because of my moving, our recording schedule may be erratic in the future. I'm going to be working in a theater, and have been told by my boss that I may be getting off work anywhere from five in the evening to two in the morning, depending on what needs to get done and when the deadline is and when we get the projects. It's really going to be a lot of fun. Hopefully, this will not affect you, the listeners, at all. Emma and I will be recording whenever possible, and I will be editing like crazy to get these to you on a somewhat-regular basis. There will always be two episodes a month, at least through the summer. We will inform you, come September, if we have to take it down to once a month due to our separate school and work schedules.

On that note, I hope you have been enjoying our podcast so far, because God knows we've been enjoying it. Continue listening, spread the word, send us fanmail, and enjoy life.

Diff tor heh smusma,
Sarah Kate

P.S. If anyone can tell me what that means, you get uber nerd points and maybe cookies


  1. Do I get points if I tell you? :)

    1. Yes, actually. It's not something I'd expect you to know.

      ....unless I've already told you....

  2. live long and prosper to you as well, sarah kate
    *does hand sign*
